Kukula Seed
We drive strategic investments and insights through our diverse pool of expertise.

Established in 2015, our mandate is to transform investments which achieve scale. Kukula Seed has invested $15 million into impact driven companies in Zambia. With 9 portfolio companies in the impact space, we challenge and push forward industry standards and best practices. We drive strategic investments and insights through our diverse pool of expertise.

We say what we do and we do what we say.
To promote the development of small and medium scale enterprises in Zambia in order to support job creation, sustainable economic growth and development.
To prove that sustainable private sector development in Africa can be done through a model that returns its principal investment to funders and creates strong social return
Portfolio companies

Live Clean constructs and operates public sanitation facilities that are clean, hygienic, and affordable in peri-urban areas of Zambia.
Inde Credit Company Ltd. helps Zambian SMEs unlock their growth potential by providing them short- and medium-term capital.

Established in 2017, Eagle metal offers a full range of metal fabrication and machining services with low turnaround time and competitive prices.

Recognizing that the demand for charcoal cannot be altered short-term, Impanga will produce charcoal sustainably and inflict minimal damage on the local environment. Impanga planted 20,000 pine, eucalyptus and indeginous red mahogany trees. Target of 300,000 planted trees by 2023

They are a Solwezi-based real estate company, established by Kukula Seed in 2014, working to develop quality projects in both the residential and commercial market.

Bresmar Building Materials was founded in 2013 and is based in Solwezi. Since February 2015the main focus has been on producing silica sand and stone, which is used in the copper smelting process.